In a remarkable display of community service, the Rotary Club of Akowonjo, led by President Ben Dare, recently embarked on a “Back to School” initiative, donating essential educational materials to over 400 primary school students at Rauf Aregbesola Primary School Compound, Shasha, Lagos.

This project, part of Rotary’s Basic Education & Literacy program, aimed to provide students with the necessary tools to succeed in their academic journey. According to Rotarian Ben Dare, “For Rotary, education is power. It gives you the leverage to do well in society and be a better citizen, contributing to nation-building.” This philosophy underpinned the club’s efforts to support students in need.

The Rotary Club of Akowonjo’s generosity brought smiles to the faces of the students, equipping them with brand-new school bags, books, stationery, and water bottles. These essential supplies will help alleviate the financial burden on families and enable students to focus on their studies.

When asked about the project’s inspiration, Dare explained, “September is Education and Literacy Month for Rotary, so we conducted a needs assessment in our community and adopted schools to identify areas where we could make a meaningful impact.” This thoughtful approach ensured that the project addressed the specific requirements of the students.

Dare emphasized the long-term goals of the project, saying, “We expect these students to grow into adulthood, making Nigeria proud. We want to see them become citizens of impact, contributing their quota to nation-building.” By investing in education, the Rotary Club of Akowonjo is shaping the future leaders of Nigeria.


The project’s success was evident in the joy radiating from the students and teachers. Dare noted, “Seeing the joy on their faces is priceless. This project contributes to nation-building, helping indigent pupils and alleviating concerns for their families.” The club’s selfless efforts have created a ripple effect of positivity in the community.


As the Rotary Club of Akowonjo continues to make a difference, Dare’s words resonate: “Education is power. Education gives you that leverage to be able to do well in the society and be a better citizen, to contribute your quota to nation-building.”

By empowering students through education, the club is building a brighter future for Nigeria.

The Rotary Club of Akowonjo’s commitment to education and community service serves as a beacon of hope, inspiring others to follow in their footsteps and make a lasting impact.