Chizoba Akunne is a Children Minister, Professional Social worker, Inner Child Healing Coach Strategy Consultant, and Transformation Facilitator, who believes that there is a child in every adult that must be awakened to authentic creativity
and a child in every child that must be preserved to reach his/her full authentic potential.
As a lead facilitator, she has distinguished herself as one of the renowned therapeutic and entrepreneurship speakers in the country today and has conducted several workshops / Seminars on broad managerial and social topics for some of  the country’s biggest corporate names.
Her wealth of experience has enabled her design training materials, coaching programs and life skill journeys that dare conventional thinking and challenge individuals /organizations to re-evaluate their way of doing things for the better.
She is the Founder of NEC Topple a capacity development organisation set up to answer those questions that hinders the growth, productivity and creativity of professionals and entrepreneurs.
She consults and trains for various business and NGOs.
Chizoba is a regular guest on the Business news of i Brand TV.
She is also an author.