Omobola Akinwusi is a Certified Event Planner and Mixologist who has got keen interest in the art and business of events and mixology. She believes that every service must be tailored to the needs of her clients and delivered excellently.

She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Geography and Master’s degree in Geographic Information Systems from the prestigious University of Lagos, Nigeria.

She had her corporate work experience in reputable organizations including the oil and gas sector, and at different capacities; serving as a Marketing Consultant, Chief Logistics and Operations Manager with several organizations.

Omobola Akinwusi ventured into the event industry in the core areas of event planning and mixology in the year 2011. She has successfully planned, managed and catered to several events from high profile weddings, corporate events and lots of intimate events.

She is a member of the Nigerian Events Beverage Association and the Well Watered Garden Tribe(A community of Event Professionals).

She is a Seasoned facilitator at Busybee Events Academy. She is the administrator and lead facilitator at Phlawless Academy.

In this interview with Oyinlola Sale, Omobola Akinwusi, CEO of Phlawless Events n More tells us how she has managed to build a sustainable brand.

What led you into establishing Phlawless Events n More?

Phlawless was birthed from creativity and passion. The need to create unique products and services in the event industry.

My daddy and I are both creatives and we are organised. As far back as secondary school, I would mix juices and my daddy would be my taster. When we had parties especially the annual Christmas parties at my grandparents’ he would plan the whole thing himself & I would follow him all through the planning process.

By university days, he would tell me to do spreadsheets of expenses for parties, type all the plans for the Christmas parties and that was where it started. For drinks, I would go to his bar take his liquor and do a mix. He would taste it and criticise it.

After a while he started researching event schools for me telling me to go and learn more. I had this incline to plan parties better, to monetise the drink mixing so I started my research on both event planning and mixology.

While researching, I started making punch & sandwiches to sell at the bazaar during harvest in church, people loved it and started paying me to make some for their parties.

For event planning, I started with my sister’s wedding, then did 2 years pro bono for my friends just to see if I was cut out for it and that was how I started officially in 2011. I was self taught for years till I became certified in 2017 for Mixology, 2018 for Event Planning.


Tell us how you managed to build an outstanding brand?

• Prayers I always ask God first when I have a new idea.

• Hard work and consistent Learning.

• Good network in associations, tribes and the gift of good relationships in accountability partners, colleagues, mentors & staff.

• Building Structure and process in the brand.

• Working towards achieving our goal of being the prefered event planning & Mixology service company in Africa for now.

What makes you unique in the Events Industry?

Our Core Values which are PUDIS

• Professionalism

• Unique Services

• Dedication & Consistency

• Integrity

• Standard


The Drinks Industry in Nigeria has become innovative, it is more about the creativity infused with good taste. What inspires your creativity ?

My immediate surroundings and the feedback I get from my target market.


In this economy where prices of goods are drastically increasing by the day, how do you manage to draw the line to know how to put a price on your services?

First of I always pray for the right clients who appreciate the value of the products and services we offer and are willing to pay the right price.

Secondly, I create packages with prices that suit specific target markets.


The Drinks Industry sees a daily increase in the number of players. In what ways does Phlawless Events n More stand out ?

If you see our logo it is our brand name in unusual font meaning while we stay true to our brand we are unique in all we do and produce.

We provide class in creative ways.


Was there ever a time you stumbled on a road block that made you feel like giving up, How did you overcome that situation?

Oh yes, when the economy takes a toll on the business.

I remember when I made up my mind to give up and my husband took me to my storage unit to show me all my assets, talked to me about how I always talk about paying all I know and learn forward.

I would say I overcame with the help of my support system (Good people)

Is the Events Industry capital intensive. How did you manage to finance this business in it’s early days?

Both the event planning and the mixology Arms of the business are capital intensive.

In its early days, my first paid job was a friend’s wedding. I planned and offered cocktail services for the wedding. I used all my profit to buy equipments for the cocktail arm. I didn’t buy aso ebi for a while instead, I would buy cups, make badges for the event planning arm, etc.




What should we expect from Phlawless Events n More in the next 5 years?


• Premium, classy services would be added to the list. Eg Planning destination events within & outside the country.


• A fully functioning Mixology Academy for beginners & professionals.


• A bartenders and waiters grooming academy.

• An event center that caters to the needs of every event vendor that works at an event.